Tuesday, December 26, 2006

this is one incident that kind of made me laugh my as* off.....
i was at this shop and two much older corporates were talkin abt the newer generation.....they are irresponsible they are like this they are like that
they want easy money.....

hey.....we didnt start the fire it was always burnin.......

we have different aspirations from our parents no doubt in tht.......
the way we go forward to achieve is also different...
they broke their parents rules and we breakin their..... it called angst....

freedom was also a topic of disscusion between the two gentlemen....wht can i say...i can only quote

The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

its that time of the year again when the fragrance of cakes and cookies wafts thru the air...... every where the xmas spirt....
we have stories abt the grinch....
the grinch still lives...except he aint no green monster....
he is just invisble...and stays inside our mind.....
he is called fear......
we all fear something or the other.... the question is why....
fear is installed in us by society??? possible

The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.

Monday, December 11, 2006

its been a while since i wrote....

i was wonderin how do i survive.....
life is filled with twists and turns.....
i have always been on a roller coaster....except the drop aint stoppin...it seems never ending.......
i look arnd and see the luxuries...all i can do is wish i had them ......
my wants are never ending, as an after thought i often feel like i am complete and i need to be content but tht aint happenin.....
hmm well maybe i am cribin too much and doin too lil abt it...
till i lose my sanity again