Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another year draws to an end,
thousands of tears mixed with blood flow into the seas,
a million smiles and aspirations were born,
new dreams where seen and things not thought of before were done,
the world started slowing down and stalling,
what the future holds for me i dont know,
but i know this i wont be looking at work to be done and cracks to be patched on my walk of life,
instead of looking for flaws in my mind i will be looking for potential to grow,

a wise man (my grandfather) once told me that life will have its trials and tribulations it will have its joys and sorrows take everything thrown at you with a smile and you will lead a good life.
one of my fondest memories of new year was my sisters first new year. she was 9 days old and had been brought home from the hospital just 2 days ago. but it was brilliant i felt like i wasnt alone anymore. it felt like and still does feel like she is my world. thinking about it though it has been a good year so far, so many things have been done. so many new friendships have been built. so many new places have been seen though there are plenty more that i would like to see.
I never thought i would be learning again but i am and i am enjoying every second of it. The challenges i faced at the start of the year which i thought i would never be able to complete i did. The fact that i changed the way some people work has been rewarding enough. The projects i undertook and completed were amazing. i never thought that i would be doing some of the work i did when i left college. I never thought i would take a trip across the oceans on free will but i did...
not everything went the way i wanted it too.. but then it is a part of life isnt it... i had an amazing year and my only wish and prayer is that the next one is even better if not the same... i dont make new year resolutions but then this year i have made one to exist like the way i want to be like the way i would like people to remeber me.
happy new year!!!!

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