Friday, October 06, 2006

i miss my dog

gorby was born on he 1st of jan...he was a lab....
what was so special about him you migh think....
well sometimes i actually felt he was better than some humans....
whenever he ate ice cream he didnt dirty the floor....
when he ate a choclate he didnt throw the wrapper on the floor....
when he was told to retrive a ball he brought it back and made sure that he released the ball only after i had a hold on it....
he was always there by my side...
if i was figthing with someone, he would growl and make his presence felt....
if i was cycling he would run along, and if i fell down he was the first one to lick my face and make me happy........
if i went swimming in the lake he would swim.....
i was never alone.....
today he lives in my memory....till his last breath he was with me....he taught me so many things...
i just wish everyone had a teacher like him to teach them the values of bing there for someone, not littering and loving someone unconditionally.....
thank you gorby............

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