Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the way life turns out isnt always right, but then who said that it would be perfect.
life according to me is like trekking, i know it might sound weird but still, the aim is to reach the summit. the only problem is its very lonely on top and oyu wish you had some company.
reaching the top isnt tht easy as well specially for someone like me. who is a born renegade, who satnds for what he believes in and follows his own ideals. in this conformist world around me i am a digen - a outsider- who believes he can change he world. a lot of people opt to do MBA's the isnt a master of buisness administration supposed to use his acumen for the betterment of society. or maybe i am just old fashioned and cant understand the needs of todays society. the so called priemier institutes aint of much help either they are more like a toyota car assembly and less like academic centers. then how do i trek. how do i reach the top when the road in front of me is scattered with boulders which cannot be scaled. i am not the kind of person who will go around them.i would rather let the boulder rush onto me and die in its path then run away

1 comment:

PerfumesReviewer said...

MBA is all about money man

only money