Thursday, October 05, 2006


On ME......

i have been wondering for a long long time as o why i am here, whats the purpose of my existence.
i dreamt abt a thousand things that i could do. i made plans to do hundreds of things .
the truth is that my dreams are very sarcastic, they mock myy sense of sanity.
i walked in the park hoping that i would get some time to think alone, as always i was wrong.
any park is filled with trees and screaming children you might think but in mumbai its filled with love struck pups. i couldn find a empty bench nor did i find a shady place to seek refuge from the sun. totally fustrated i walked back home, on my way back i saw akid crying, then i saw his mother walkin miles ahead of the poor kid, why would she do tht; well actually she was on her cell phone talkin to one of her friends-more like gossiping- the kid had hurt his toe on a stone but she wouldnt care. this is when i finally understood the reason for my existence.

it was very simple-in this materialistic, confirmist world i was the renegade-clear hai.

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