Tuesday, December 26, 2006

this is one incident that kind of made me laugh my as* off.....
i was at this shop and two much older corporates were talkin abt the newer generation.....they are irresponsible they are like this they are like that
they want easy money.....

hey.....we didnt start the fire it was always burnin.......

we have different aspirations from our parents no doubt in tht.......
the way we go forward to achieve is also different...
they broke their parents rules and we breakin their..... it called angst....

freedom was also a topic of disscusion between the two gentlemen....wht can i say...i can only quote

The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

its that time of the year again when the fragrance of cakes and cookies wafts thru the air...... every where the xmas spirt....
we have stories abt the grinch....
the grinch still lives...except he aint no green monster....
he is just invisble...and stays inside our mind.....
he is called fear......
we all fear something or the other.... the question is why....
fear is installed in us by society??? possible

The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.

Monday, December 11, 2006

its been a while since i wrote....

i was wonderin how do i survive.....
life is filled with twists and turns.....
i have always been on a roller coaster....except the drop aint stoppin...it seems never ending.......
i look arnd and see the luxuries...all i can do is wish i had them ......
my wants are never ending, as an after thought i often feel like i am complete and i need to be content but tht aint happenin.....
hmm well maybe i am cribin too much and doin too lil abt it...
till i lose my sanity again

Saturday, November 04, 2006

i was listenin to good ole RHCP
the song was one from their new album.....when i realized y i like this band so much.....
they sing to me
atleast tht wht i feel
ozzy also sings to me..........
i guess wht i wanna say is tht its music tht keeps me from becomin insane....there r tons of songs i say are my favourites...but then y are they so....its cuz i can realate to them....i understand what the band wants to say cuz i am goin thru the same phase......

or maybe i am already insane??????

Saturday, October 21, 2006

its been a while since i set my creative juices flowing.....
but then i really didnt wanna bother the world with my crap......
this time i am gonna tell a story of a boy....
he grew up in a small town...started lissenin to remixes.....and today he dresses up like a hip hop artist
though his english is almost non existent still he tries to rammble somethin vague....
why am i writin this.....not cuz i wanna mak him feel bad.....its just cuz we like him have lost touch of who we really are.....
we interact with some many people in so many different situations that we rarely project our true selfs......
AWAKE my friends

Thursday, October 19, 2006

i was just reading about a person called james blunt.....i know many of you know who he is but some of you dont, i aint a big fan of you're beautiful....
i read that his whole family was in the army and he was a engg like me......something that he didnt exactly like....something that he thought would be different from what it really was.....

how true.....so many things in my entire life i have just taken cuz the cover looked good.....i really never saw what was inside.....only now do i realize it.....but still i dont improve..........

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the way life turns out isnt always right, but then who said that it would be perfect.
life according to me is like trekking, i know it might sound weird but still, the aim is to reach the summit. the only problem is its very lonely on top and oyu wish you had some company.
reaching the top isnt tht easy as well specially for someone like me. who is a born renegade, who satnds for what he believes in and follows his own ideals. in this conformist world around me i am a digen - a outsider- who believes he can change he world. a lot of people opt to do MBA's the reason.....money. isnt a master of buisness administration supposed to use his acumen for the betterment of society. or maybe i am just old fashioned and cant understand the needs of todays society. the so called priemier institutes aint of much help either they are more like a toyota car assembly and less like academic centers. then how do i trek. how do i reach the top when the road in front of me is scattered with boulders which cannot be scaled. i am not the kind of person who will go around them.i would rather let the boulder rush onto me and die in its path then run away

Monday, October 09, 2006

my brand new dancing shoes.....

dancing isnt as easy as it looks and i found out the tough way......
after dancing a night away the next day is worse than havin a hangover, every part of your body hurts.....
damn me and my new shoes....y did they have to force me to dance.....

but there are other issues which are botherin me more....my dreams......
i keep seeing the same dream again and again....i went to ask dr.freud but you knw wht his answer was....all his solutions are the same.....

right now i wish i was in bed sleeping and some1 massaging my sore bones....i guess ill have to train my dog...

Friday, October 06, 2006

i miss my dog

gorby was born on he 1st of jan...he was a lab....
what was so special about him you migh think....
well sometimes i actually felt he was better than some humans....
whenever he ate ice cream he didnt dirty the floor....
when he ate a choclate he didnt throw the wrapper on the floor....
when he was told to retrive a ball he brought it back and made sure that he released the ball only after i had a hold on it....
he was always there by my side...
if i was figthing with someone, he would growl and make his presence felt....
if i was cycling he would run along, and if i fell down he was the first one to lick my face and make me happy........
if i went swimming in the lake he would swim.....
i was never alone.....
today he lives in my memory....till his last breath he was with me....he taught me so many things...
i just wish everyone had a teacher like him to teach them the values of bing there for someone, not littering and loving someone unconditionally.....
thank you gorby............
well it has been another eventfull day

i am hooked to online tests...

lets see i started out with a quest to find my IQ and ended up finding my emotional IQ, my carrer personality my love personality, my celebrity soul mate, my celebrity double, my theme song, my song,my inner rock star, my music personality, what kind of kisser am i damn i dont even rember what happened to the IQ test....

then i found good ole freud withand his weird test, what can i say the dude was a sex maniac.

how important are these tests? do they really tell me abt the person i am or the way my life is gonna shape up....i wonder and ponder....as the sun sets across the horizon.....

Right Job/Wrong Job- Creative

Career Interest Inventory- Engineering

Who's Your Movie Star Double?-Benjamin Bratt

Who's Your Music Match?-Sexy Pop Prince

The Zodiac Match Test-Taurus

What Kind of Kisser Are You?-Romantic Kisser

The Attraction Factor-Energy

The Corporate Culture Test-Team Player

The Brain Test-Left-brained

The Classic IQ Test-Precision Processor

The 5-Factor IPIP Personality Test-Personable

The Love Personality Test-ESFP

The Dream Interpretation Test-Mastery

Guy Kawasaki's Entrepreneurial IQ Test-69% or lower

What's Your Style?-Sexy 'n' Sophisticate...

What's Your Song?-Another One Bites the...

Who's Your Inner Rock Star?-Eminem

Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate?-Cute

The Freud Test-Young Child

What's Your Theme Song?-Back in Black

What's Your True Talent?-Mechanical Ability

Career Personality Test-INFJ

The Emotional IQ Test-Empathy

What's Your Destiny?-Provider

What Kind of Sexy Are You?-Smart 'n' Sexy

Why Are You Still Single?-Don't Want To Settle

The Multiple Intelligences Test-Social Intelligence

i told you i took a lot of tests

Thursday, October 05, 2006


On ME......

i have been wondering for a long long time as o why i am here, whats the purpose of my existence.
i dreamt abt a thousand things that i could do. i made plans to do hundreds of things .
the truth is that my dreams are very sarcastic, they mock myy sense of sanity.
i walked in the park hoping that i would get some time to think alone, as always i was wrong.
any park is filled with trees and screaming children you might think but in mumbai its filled with love struck pups. i couldn find a empty bench nor did i find a shady place to seek refuge from the sun. totally fustrated i walked back home, on my way back i saw akid crying, then i saw his mother walkin miles ahead of the poor kid, why would she do tht; well actually she was on her cell phone talkin to one of her friends-more like gossiping- the kid had hurt his toe on a stone but she wouldnt care. this is when i finally understood the reason for my existence.

it was very simple-in this materialistic, confirmist world i was the renegade-clear hai.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

MY TAKE......


the dictionary describes the word 'accent' as a way in which someone pronounces words of a language in a distictive way that shows which country they come from.

when i walk ino one of the many coffee cafes around me in mumbai i am attacked by a variety of accents from the typical northie accent to the typical southie accent and then suddenly a hear someone speaking in an american accent which screams out for mercy..the accent that is.

many of us today work in contact centres, thats the glorified word for call centers, which cater to clients around the globe.
i personally have nothing against call centers or their employees. the only thing that hurts me is that we get so engrossed in their way of working that we forget the way we speak....we happily put on a fake accent which is no where close to the way those people actually speak. to top it off some of us even change out names so harvinder becomes harry and ankit becomes andy.
whats more funny is that people sop associating with our real names.

maybe pseudo accents and pseudo names make us look cooler make us stand out in the crowd, but to what extent are we ready to go.

Thursday, September 28, 2006



there is a huge ruckus over the upcoming ICC champions trophy...
teams which are gonna play the qualifiers include west indies...
if my memory serves me correct wasnt this the same team and beat inida recently...

every since i was a kid i wondered how a cricket team was made...how were these people selected...now i have the answers after years of research....
the first rule is eat samosas, jalebis, gulab jamuns, sandwhichs, burgers pizzas basically anything edible tht you can get hold of in the next five minutes...after which the selection meeting can start...
the second and most important rule is...pick the players who have done the maximum number of ad's recespective of their form
the third rule....create ways in which some important inform player will be left out. usualy the excuse for this is he isnt fit.
the fourth and the most important rule....whoever passes the selection process has to be a certified choker

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


On Dandiya,

The music was blarring from the speakers,the crowd was a usual mixture of young and old.
I was transfixed to a spot trying to learn the finer details of Dandiya. witht a little help i soon picked up the pieces and was soon on my way to the hall of fame

As i watched the crowd i saw people playin for fun like me
while there were others who stood out from the crowd in the way they dressed and played, they were there with th sole purpose of winning a prize.
i looked around a little more still zapped by the ironic situation
and there she was dressed in a yellow tee and peddle pushers i felt like singing yellow by coldplay to her.....then i saw her dance....just like a robot she burnt up the dance floor in her own right...
there were others too providin me some much needed comic relief...

at the end of all this......dandiya is a nice place to have some clean fun....but the sticks arent supposed to be used as weapons of mass destruction and he have clearly forgotten our roots...
they tie me down with their chains.....
they want to burn me down with my idealogies....
but they dont understand....
they dont understan tht they will die....
all die in the strom created by my rage.....

i wasnt born this way....
this world made me.....
i am a revolutionary.

i have been quite for too long....
i have heard enough of your abuses....
i am tired of being your slave.....
i wanna be free....
i wanna be myself....

my wrath will show no mercy as it tears thru you....
only after you face my wrath will you understand....
understand why i am a phoenix....